Persönliche Geschichten und die Zukunft der Stadt oder Personal Histories and the City’s Future

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Another way to create a place are the mental constructions we do in order to connect with space. Official history or narrative may not be what connects us. Laura Kraning tells a local legend about “Devil’s Gate” connected with Jack Parson and Aleister Crowley, which may or may not be connected with perceptions and experiences of this place on the periphery of Los Angeles.

Michael Poetschko’s film Notebooks on Dislocation on the other hand, shows his ways of connecting thoughts with places, and thus his film, instead of being a lament on loss, is a stream of place-related memos. A coherent narrative seems not to be missing, instead it would be inadequate.

Other films of the program provide even more fragmented stories, like Alexander Isaenko, whose images “Wash by Fire” are underlaid by obscure imperatives (triggered by urban legends?). Gong Wenbo confronts us with our own imagination, of what is behind the metal fence in “Le Blue” – the blue city?

Mixing experimental fiction, documentary and imaginary spatial representations, this is possibly the most experimental film program of this year’s Urban Research.

Curated by Klaus W. Eisenlohr!

Personal Histories and the City’s Future
Monday, 11 February 2013

Directors Lounge
Naherholung Sternchen
Berolinastr. 7 (behind Cinema International/ Rathaus Mitte) 10178 Berlin
U5 Schillingstraße

Alexander Isaenko, Benna Maris Gaean, Claudia Larcher, Gong Wenbo,
Karl F. Stewart, Kristin Lucas, Laura Kraning, Michael Poetschko,
Sandra Becker01

Full program description with images:

Directors Lounge Program: